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Subject Verb Agreement Two Verbs

Subject-verb agreement is one of the critical aspects of proper grammar in writing. It refers to the way in which the subject and verb in a sentence must agree in number, person, and tense. In addition, when a sentence contains two verbs, it can be challenging to ensure that the subject and both verbs agree appropriately. Understanding how to manage subject-verb agreement with two verbs is essential for any writer or copy editor. In this article, we will discuss this subject in detail.

Firstly, it is important to understand the basic rules of subject-verb agreement. In simple terms, the subject and verb must agree in number, which means that if the subject is singular, the verb should be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb should be plural. Moreover, the subject and verb should agree in person and tense.

When a sentence has two verbs, it is vital to ensure that each verb agrees with the subject. Consider the following sentence, “The cat sleeps and purrs loudly.” In this sentence, the subject is “the cat,” and the verbs are “sleeps” and “purrs.” Since the subject is singular, each verb should be in the singular form. Therefore, the sentence is correct.

However, it can become more complicated when the two verbs have different tenses. For instance, “The dog barks and chased after the mailman.” In this example, the first verb is in the present tense (“barks”), while the second verb is in the past tense (“chased”). To maintain proper subject-verb agreement, the second verb should also be in the present tense. Therefore, the sentence should read, “The dog barks and chases after the mailman.”

There may also be instances where the subject changes from the first verb to the second verb. For example, “The boys like to play basketball and video games.” In this sentence, the subject changes from “boys” to “games.” Therefore, the second verb should agree with the new subject. The revised sentence is “The boys like to play basketball and play video games,” where each verb agrees with its respective subject.

In summary, subject-verb agreement is crucial in any written piece. When a sentence has two verbs, it is essential to ensure that each verb agrees with the subject. Remember to keep the tense and number consistent to avoid confusion and maintain clarity. As a professional, incorporating proper subject-verb agreement is crucial for effective writing and improving seo rankings.